On Plan


So, I figured it out. Summer. Summer is my own personal devil. It’s when I find it the hardest to stay on track. For several reasons. 

  1. Wedding Season. I’m a wedding photographer. Spring-Fall are my busy seasons. I can usually hold it together for most of spring. But, come July I find myself losing concentration and focus on healthy eating and exercise.
  2. It’s nice out. We go out, do stuff and eat whatever and wherever. Therefore, off plan, and, I won’t track!
  3. Vacations. I went home to visit my family. I was kind of good. But, not 100%
  4. I’m not planning because I’m busy and, or, lazy.

So, today, I’m declaring myself back! I weighed myself this morning for the first time in over a month. I brought my weight watchers key chains with me to work today, sitting in plain view to remind me to be good! 

And, I’m blogging! Blogging keeps me focused and also helps me with my need to write. I may start a new more personal type blog. We’ll see. 

I know I need to start setting some goals again so, here are my goals for the next week:

  1. I’m free tomorrow and plan to go to my weight watchers meeting at 10. I also plan to stick around after the meeting to sit through the beginners info again. I find that helps when I’ve really gone off the tracks. 
  2. Go to the gym at least 3x this week.
  3. Start tracking everything again. EVERYTHING.
  4. Plan out my meals for the week and write them down on the fridge for both me and my husband to see.

I can do those. and I will! I’m also going to spend some time browsing pinterest and reading some articles on sparkpeople to help me get focused and motivated again! I can do this!

On Plan

Science makes everything better!

My good friend at work decorated my cube for birthday! She’s quite awesome!


I (and the rest of the world) have always painstakingly wondered what 600ft of streamers would look like in a cubicle, so last night I used SCIENCE to finally end my pain!! Now you will never again have to sit on the edge of your chair wondering, debating, stressing on the same thoughts again… Would it look pretty? How would the logistics work? Would you break physics?

You’re welcome world!


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Life & Me, Losing Weight, On Plan

Because, I am awesome!

Last week I had a day where I was surrounded by negativity. SO much negativity I could feel my heart being squeezed and my aggravation towards everything was growing by the minute. It was terrible! At one point I even shouted at everyone to be quiet because I was so overwhelmed. I don’t know how people can live their lives each day surrounded by so much negativity and the need to make others feel small and feel that what they know is all wrong.

I was told that the only way to lose weight is to get diet pills. I was told I could lose 30lbs in a month. But everything I know, tells me that’s not healthy.
I was told that with diet pills I could keep eating the way I wanted. But I know I can’t because my cholesterol and triglycerides won’t change then!
I was told I couldn’t afford to have kids. But, I know we’d find a way.

I felt SO defeated that day and the next because of this. I felt miserable and that everything I was trying to accomplish wasn’t worth it.

But I have amazing friends and people I can count on when I need a boost.

Rachel reminded me I’m losing weight the healthy way.
Liz tells me I’m awesome.
Sheryl tells me I inspire her.

When someone tells you that you inspire them, it makes you feel so amazing. If I’m inspiring my sister, I can’t stop now! I have to keep going!

So, this week I’m thankful for my amazing friends and family. I’m proud of the 10lbs I’ve lost since January and proud that I haven’t given up yet.

I’m determined to get healthy, and when I go to the DR on May 1st, that scale will reflect the positive changes I’m making and I can only hope I’ve done enough to make positive changes in my bloodwork as well.

I’m here to tell you, that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Jenny Bomb is Losing it

I know I can lose weight and I’m not giving up.
I know we will have a child when we’re ready and we’ll figure it out.
I know my photography business is going to be great and I’ll figure that out too.




Life & Me, weight watchers


So, last Wednesday I woke up with a terrible cold. I was 100% stuffed up and was feeling the effects of post nasal drip and my mouth was so dry from having slept/breathe through my mouth all night.

I was miserable. None of the medicine I was taking was helping. I couldn’t taste my food, the pressure was terrible, it was not pleasant at all.

Thursday morning, no change – same amount of miserable.
Friday morning, no change – still ridiculously miserable.
Saturday morning, NO CHANGE – STILL MISERABLE!

I couldn’t take it. I called my DR. I went in fully knowing this could just be a cold and he could not help me. And that’s what happened. He did tell me the best medicine to buy for my cold and sent me on my way.

I stopped at Kroger to pick up the Mucinex-D from the pharmacy. It’s the expensive one with the stuff they make meth with. I also got some chicken soup, orange juice and reese peanut butter eggs because I wanted them. haha. I went home, made my soup and watched a movie and ate and napped.

Sunday was a little better. Not much, but, a little.
Monday was even better. Still much of the same but no pressure but coughing to help clear congestion.
This morning I’m really feeling the effects of the post nasal drip. I’m not as congested but still congested and I could really use a nap and it’s only 8:44. Although, I just took my Mucinex, that should wake me up soon. I hope.

So, due to being sick and going to the DR I did not go to weight watchers this week. But, I have not had much of an appetitie while being sick and weighed myself and I was down to 211! So, I’m hoping to keep this streak going.

My appetitie is back and I did so-so yesterday. I could’ve done a little better though.

Today I’m ready. I’ve got some oatmeal for breakfast. A veggie burger for lunch and dinner will be good as well.

I’m just hoping I can stay awake today…


Rough week.

I’ve been having a rough week. I knew at last week’s weigh in that it would be up a little. I wasn’t wearing my usual weigh in clothes and since I had been sick I wasn’t doing my usual best.

This week has been about the same. I haven’t been tracking religiously, we’ve been really busy and every time I’ve gone to the gym this week it’s been very difficult. I haven’t been able to keep up with the pace I’ve been doing. I’m assuming this is from not exercising the week before because I was sick.

So I think I’m up another pound. I’m hoping to track everything today and go to the gym this evening and go to my meeting tomorrow morning for a fresh start. Though, I really feel like I could use a nap.

In other news, I made some more spinach fruit smoothies but didn’t have yogurt, so I didn’t think it would matter much but my husband, who has had one so far said, yes, it matters. It was too thick and not sweet at all. So, I froze the ones I made and will pick up some yogurt tonight and when they thaw i’ll blend in some yogurt and hopefully that helps.

I’m hoping to have a good weekend and hoping I can sleep in on Sunday. I feel really tired today!

Life & Me, Losing Weight

SICK. {Jenny Bomb is Losing It}

So, last weeks weigh in was a good one! I got up early on Saturday, showered and headed to weight watchers. I was down 2.4lbs for a total of 11.6 at a weight of 213.4! WOO WOO!

I was so excited. I had to buy new work out pants too because they were falling down at the gym!

So, after my meeting, I picked up some friends from the airport and we ran an errand and had lunch together. I took them back to Shriner’s where they’re staying for the week, while their daughter has palette repair surgery. I then headed home, starting to notice a small cough developing. As EJ and I watched tv together my cough got worse, I developed a headache and by the time I went to bed I was 100% congested. EJ had started feeling sick the day before, so we were quite the pair this weekend.

Sick day snuggle buddy! {Jenny Bomb is Losing it!}

Sunday was bad and Monday was even worse, I stayed home from work and laid around and slept and snuggled with my cat, Leo. Tuesday was slightly better but not by much. Wednesday was better, still winded easily and finally today, I feel pretty good. Still congested in the nose and chest but not coughing as much.

So, due to being sick, I haven’t really been putting much effort into watching what I’m eating and I haven’t been able to exercise since last Friday.

I weighed myself this morning, though, with jeans on and I was up to 214. I have 2 days to turn it around! I should do pretty good food wise today and am hoping to go to the gym and just walk on the treadmill later. I think anything too intense would be bad since I’m still congested. So, wish me luck on the next 2 days!

Life & Me, Losing Weight, weight watchers

Sometimes you have to let it go

1555503_10100345177633485_1844004359_nToday’s blog post has 2 topics. First and foremost, this week’s weigh-in!

Saturday morning’s weigh in at weight watchers went well! Last week I was up 1 lb. This week I made up for it and came down 2.8! Leaving me at 215.8! a mere 16 pounds away from my first goal! WOO! I did not exercise on Saturday, as I usually don’t. (Tuesdays and Saturdays are my “off” days.) I did go to the gym yesterday. Switched it up a bit. Instead of heading right for the elliptical, I decided to use the treadmill for a bit. I worked out there for 20 minutes, then used the elliptical for 35 minutes.

It’s been about 3 weeks of working out now and I’m noticing the change in how I feel. I want to go to the gym now, and waking up hasn’t been as difficult in the mornings. It’s great.

This morning I stepped on the scale and it said I was 207.9! HOW DID I LOSE 8LBS IN 2 DAYS!!!! That was pre-shower. So, after my shower, and I was FULLY dressed it said I was 211! STLL! 4 lbs! I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what tomorrow morning holds in store for me! But I’ve been doing really well with portion control. The smaller plates and my food scale have made a huge difference.

In other news, I have a friend who I feel I need to distance myself from and this is something very difficult for me. She’s been my friend for quite some time and one of the few friends I thought I had here in Cincinnati. But sometimes, you have to move on and distance yourself from some drama and unwanted words.

I’m hoping to stay strong with this and hope to make more of an effort with some of the ladies I’ve become friends with over the past year.

I’m hoping my day stays awesome and goes by really fast, as well as yours!

Exercise, Losing Weight, Motivation, My Health, weight watchers

Down 10lbs!

I’ve been trying to lose weight for the better part of 10 years. For some reason though, this time I feel different. I feel like, more people are behind me and rooting for me. I feel like I know how to make better food choices that don’t make me feel deprived or left out.

I think it took me awhile to find my winning combination. I’m beginning to think my winning combination is a long one. I think my winning combination looks something like this Weight Watchers + Planet Fitness + Bad checkup at the dr + wanting to live long and have children + amazing support from friends and family = my success.

Progress! I weighed myself Monday and yesterday and both days I was 215.4! That’s down exactly 10lbs since Dec 21st! I couldn’t believe it! I am so excited and so happy. The encouragement I get from my DR, my family, my friends has been amazing!

What else is different this time? Well, I’m really paying attention to what I eat and tracking it all. I splurge sometimes but try to make up for a splurge by a longer cardio workout.

Small Wins! For those that don’t know, I battle with high triglycerides. They are a form of cholesterol and  I need to watch how many carbs I eat. Recently my husband and I were out to dinner. This was NOT my scheduled cheat meal so I was on the hunt to find something within my range of healthy food items. I finally settled on a grilled chicken sandwich with a baked potato. I really wanted that baked potato, so, I opted to not eat my bun with my sandwich. Instead I had grilled chicken and ate it with my fork and knife. I was really proud of myself then.

Exercise! It took me a little while longer to get back on the exercise bandwagon. But 2 fridays ago I said to myself, “Jenny, 30 minutes on the elliptical. That’s it. That’s all you need to do.” So, I went. And I did my 30 minutes and I felt great. So, I went back on Sunday and told myself, again, all I had to do was 30 minutes. Well, once I got to 30 minutes I said, I could do 15 more. So, I do a minimum of 30 minutes on the elliptical at a high intensity level, this sometimes turns into 45 or an hour. Then 3 days a week I do one of these areas, arms, legs or abs.

I’m really trying this time. I feel like I’m working harder and making better choices. I’ve got 16lbs to lose by April 18th and I think I can really do it this time. 

Life & Me, Motivation, weight watchers


So, for the past 10 months I tried to do it alone and I failed. I admit it. I can’t lose weight on my own.

A few things to share:

  • I’ve started a new job and I love it. I love the place, the company, the people and the job itself.
  • I’ve gained all the weight I lost, back. I weighed 223.8 at weigh in on Saturday.
  • I’ve learned I can’t lose weight on my own, I need support and lots of it.
  • I’ve grown SO much with my photography skills and am on my way to being a great contender!

So, let me tell you the kick in the pants this time. I’ve started a new job and I love it. So, on Halloween I dressed up as Minnie Mouse and thought I looked cute. But lately, I’ve started to really notice how much weight I’ve gained. I was in the break room and one of my co-workers asked if I was pregnant. There is no good way to tell him so I just said “No, I’m just big. I’ve gained some weight recently and it all unfortunately sits in my belly.” I could tell he was mortified and he tried to cover and I told him not to worry. I walked back to my desk, cried, threw out the plate of food I had just gotten from the break room and promptly went to http://www.WeightWatchers.com and signed up again.

I cried and was talking to my husband and told him I really need him to support me.

In the past 10 months I’ve learned that just by having a gym membership it does me no good. I need support. I need people to encourage me and people to pick me up when I’m down and tell me to keep going. And going to weight watchers meetings gives me that. I also have my sister and my mom and a few friends. My sister is definitely my biggest cheerleader. I’m so thankful for her.

So, here we go again, I’m hoping this is it. This time I will follow through!




I’ve been so busy with SO much that I haven’t had time to blog, let alone, eat well and exercise regularly lately. I NEED to though. I’m not stupid.

Why does it have to be so difficult for me.

Work is chaos because one of the girls on my team is leaving any day now for maternity leave and I’ll be absorbing a lot of her duties while she is gone.

Life is chaos because I’ve been taking a lot of photos and shadowing a couple really awesome photographers to learn more.

Though, I’m going to make a conscious effort today to track my food and watch what I’m eating. If my feet feel ok this evening I will go to the gym.

We went to Kings Island with work yesterday and my sandals rubbed the soles of my feet and they burn bad. It’s not fun at all.

Motivation and words of encouragement needed and welcomed.